The most important card, however, is Cacophodon. It also makes any X/2 dinosaur impossible to kill in combat to keep mooching enrage triggers off of them. Temple Altisaur might be overkill, but it does let us run damage-based removal like Starstorm and keep our board alive. It can get pretty sick with Polyraptor or an indestructible Raptor Hatchling, possibly infinite. Forerunner of the Empire is a great enabler despite not being a dinosaur. Silverclad Ferocidons, Trapjaw Tyrant, and Needletooth Raptor will quickly decimate the opponent's board. Polyraptor gets out of control real fast. I loved the ability to do stupid Enrage tricks before, but this set kicks it into overdrive then pours gasoline on it and then sends it into space. Still a few stuff missing but a ton of the blanks got filled up
#Enraged dinosaurs second extinction upgrade
Vrey good upgrade the edh deck will become immensly better from this. W Unfortunately its the worst one but if we do some lifegain synergy abilites on stuff then it will come in handy G this is hands down the most important part these are always the most annoying on the board R just equip Basilisk Collar then the text changes to "Destory target creature." Viligance so its prepared for blocking all day longĪnd heres the best part if you successful cast him and he made it to the field we get to untap all of are lands like getting a extra turn or we can use his abilites he has on each head Would have added Thunderherd Migration but no need just put in Rampant GrowthĪ three headed T-rex that has so many edh situation abilities the ETB So without further ado heres the other DinosaursĪlot of good ones to add to the deck excluding the vinilla's anyway

White = A dinosaur version of Akroma, Angel of Wrath basicly Green = the biggest dinosaur that's easy to cast Next we have the elder dinosaurs the red is by far the best one for edh situations
#Enraged dinosaurs second extinction update
Rivals of ixalan update has arrived we now have 28 new dinosaurs to choose fromĪs of Rivals of ixalan now its 17 enrange thanks to these guys